Patterns and Tutorials

03 December 2014

Wednesday Grannies - A Skirt Update

Hello everyone! It's time for another episode of the Granny Square Challenge! This week, I would like to give you an update on the Skirt, still steadily growing, and probably 2/3 complete now. There is so much to do at the moment that I don't get much time to work on the Skirt, but whenever I do, I really enjoy those lengthy, relaxing rows of trebles. I wonder if I can finish it by Christmas? We'll see.

But in the meantime, let's have a look at it!

There you have it, the Skirt as it is at the moment. And if you need a granny square fix, as always, go over to Jijihook's for this week's challenge.

Thanks for reading, peeps, and see you soon! :)


  1. Coucou
    un superbe poncho granny avec de très jolies couleurs
    bravos à bientôt Sandy

  2. belles avancée; ton poncho sera superbe une fois fini!

  3. Thanks for entering the AtPlayOnline Wednesday linkie! I posted this on our facebook a few times this week.

    - Megan

  4. Many thanks for all your comments! :)

  5. j' adore !!! je suis fan +++++ très jolies couleurs la forme je pense que je vais te piquer ton idée c' est sûr biz a très vite

  6. Hi! Please me the pattern of skirt. Escuse my english. I dont speak english. I am from Rio de Janeiro - Brazil. Thanks

  7. Hi! Please me the pattern of skirt. Escuse my english. I dont speak english. I am from Rio de Janeiro - Brazil. Thanks
